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Hillybilly Theme Parody (acoustic)

PostPosted: Sun Sep 25, 2005 16:12:07
by madd74
Title: Hillybilly Theme Parody (right click and "save target as" to download)
Lyrics: Click Here
Artist: Madd Martin
Year: 1996
Length: 31 seconds
Rated: R (use of "f" word \ sexually oriented)
Another song done way back in the day, when I was a child I heard this lyric, and decided to make a song. That is actually me playing guitare.

Re: Hillybilly Theme Parody (acoustic)

PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 12:56:26
by sewcute
did that quote work?
madd74 wrote:Title: Hillybilly Theme Parody (right click and "save target as" to download)
Lyrics: Click Here
Artist: Madd Martin
Year: 1996
Length: 31 seconds
Rated: R (use of "f" word \ sexually oriented)
Another song done way back in the day, when I was a child I heard this lyric, and decided to make a song. That is actually me playing guitare.