Most viewed - Jarin |
070418@212452.jpgJarin, mom, and dad5302 viewsJarin, mom, and dad still in Clinton
070318a_beck.jpgJarin and aunt Beck4755 viewsGreat aunt beck holding Jarin for the first time!
070404@190226.jpgMair and Jarin4755 viewsMair, my Qwest friend, holding Jarin during my work visit
080427@144448.jpg080427@144448.jpg4720 views
080427@144439.jpg080427@144439.jpg4714 views
070329b_swing.jpgMore Jarin sleeping in swing4638 viewsAnother shot of Jarin sleeping in his swing
070402a_sleep.jpgSleeping on dad4600 viewsJarin shortly after eating
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070321_cry.jpgJarin screaming4542 viewsJarin's favorite pastime (other than sleeping)
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070402g_cuddle.jpgJarin and dad cuddled4309 viewsMom is not the only one who likes to cuddle
080427@144317.jpgJarin in Cubs' jersey4193 viewsJarin sporting his Cubbie blue pride.
070324d_face.jpgJarin sleeping close up4048 viewsClose up of Jarin sleeping
070308a_jen.jpgHappy Jen3958 viewsJen extremely happy after her epidural, yes, they really work!
070418@193822.jpgJarin and second cousin3857 viewsJarin being held by my cousin's daughter, Paige
070421@103348.jpgHappy Jarin3830 viewsWhile not a smile, it's not crying either
080427@144349.jpgJarin in Cubs' jersey against black background (3823 views
070404@175850.jpgBath time3799 viewsJarin getting a bath in the sink.
080427@144345.jpgJarin in Cubs' jersey against black background (3656 views
070503@195902.jpgJarin's last two month picture3653 viewsJarin looks so grown up!
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