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070325c_swing.jpgMore Jarin and swing3596 viewsAnother shot of Jarin in his swing08/03/13 at 03:44Guest_Faurnerne: L) erase freckles and skin discolorations in the f...

060831ultrasound.jpgLittle X Phone Ultrasound1067 viewsHere is an ultrasound of our baby, taken with my camera phone.08/03/13 at 03:44Guest_Faurnerne: Just keep in mind that your intestines need to tak...

070404@175850.jpgBath time3799 viewsJarin getting a bath in the sink.08/03/13 at 03:44Guest_Faurnerne: If you have trouble finding a local veterinarian, ...

070417@171136.jpgJarin, dad, and great grandpa H2077 viewsJarin and great grandpa H and dad08/03/13 at 03:44Guest_Faurnerne: In the traditional sauna, the air is first heated,...

070310c_jarin-madd.jpgJarin and dad545 viewsDaddy chilling with Jarin on Jen's hospital bed08/03/13 at 03:44Guest_Faurnerne: Frankie a bone, it could splinter and choke him. ...

070324c_nap.jpgJarin's tummy time512 viewsJarin taking a nap on his tummy08/03/13 at 03:44Guest_Faurnerne: Furthermore, this sort of grease is quite rich in ...

070308b_born.JPGJarin Born!919 viewsFirst "acceptably shown public" picture of Jarin after he was born.08/03/13 at 03:44Guest_Faurnerne: Hungary from a paralysis of her limbs. stretch ma...

070329c_jarin.jpgJarin close up2569 viewsA wonderful close up of our baby boy08/03/13 at 03:44Guest_Faurnerne: Bathing for too long or too frequently has also be...

070328b_couch.jpgJarin on the couch6053 viewsJarin on the couch08/03/13 at 03:44Guest_Faurnerne: Lavender essential oil is excellent for the skin a...

070310b_jarin.jpgJarin profile2883 viewsClose up of Jarin08/03/13 at 03:44Guest_Faurnerne: B6 vitamins specifically bolster the metabolic rat...

080427@144336.jpgJarin sitting on block in Cubs' jersey (9th)469 viewsNinth shot of Jarin on top of the number block in his Cubbie blue.08/03/13 at 03:44Guest_Faurnerne: Dome shaped small lumpy red pimples (papules) - th...

080427@144414.jpg080427@144414.jpg2159 views08/03/13 at 03:44Guest_Faurnerne: It is 10 times more common in women than men, but ...

080427@144401.jpgJarin in Cubs' jersey against black background (2113 views08/03/13 at 03:44Guest_Faurnerne: Women fall within this type-specific category. st...

070310b_jarin.jpgJarin profile2883 viewsClose up of Jarin08/03/13 at 03:44Guest_Faurnerne: If you have genital sores, do not have sex, not ev...

070425@155958.jpg...1269 viewsJust not this month it would seem08/03/13 at 03:44Guest_Faurnerne: It is a good dish to prepare when you are planning...

080427@144421.jpg080427@144421.jpg1031 views08/03/13 at 03:44Guest_Faurnerne: While most men can expect to experience minor (......

080427@144435.jpg080427@144435.jpg2503 views08/03/13 at 03:43Guest_Faurnerne: Babies-which become sexually mature in a matter of...

080427@144449.jpg080427@144449.jpg1266 views08/03/13 at 03:43Guest_Faurnerne: Make sure you are looking for whole grain foods wi...

070420@174034.jpgJarin smile attempt, take four1211 views... and yet another08/03/13 at 03:43Guest_infiscash: Use only ceramic and glass containers to store you...

080427@144414.jpg080427@144414.jpg2159 views08/03/13 at 03:43Guest_Faurnerne: This soothes the skin irritation caused by chicken...
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