Last comments - Jarin |
070310c_jarin-madd.jpgJarin and dad545 viewsDaddy chilling with Jarin on Jen's hospital bed05/28/12 at 13:25Guest_mymnsmumups: 114172432
061010a_profile.jpgLittle X Profile(a)292 viewsProfile shot of little X.05/28/12 at 13:25Guest_oridoblorne: 114172432
061010c_profile.jpgLittle X Profile(c)440 viewsYet another profile shot of little X.05/28/12 at 13:25Guest_oridoblorne: 114172432
070318b_beck.jpgMore Jarin and aunt Beck699 viewsAnother shot of great aunt Beck holding Jarin05/28/12 at 13:24Guest_mymnsmumups: 114172432
070308a_jen.jpgHappy Jen3958 viewsJen extremely happy after her epidural, yes, they really work!05/28/12 at 13:24Guest_KekArrefetype: 114172432
060831ultrasoundmap.jpgLittle X Ultrasound Map422 viewsThe camera ultrasound mapped out:
3)body (umbilical cord shown)
4)foot05/28/12 at 13:24Guest_oridoblorne: 114172432
070408@122558.jpgJarin at one month3100 viewsHere is Jarin's first one month picture05/28/12 at 13:24Guest_Sapeffenuam: 114172432
070408@134300.jpgJarin and Norma409 viewsHere is Jarin with his aunt Normal (Jen's side)05/28/12 at 13:24Guest_CoxClarlTap: 114172432
070322a_monica.jpgJarin with Monica420 viewsMy Qwest friend holding Jarin05/28/12 at 13:24Guest_mymnsmumups: 114172432
080427@144449.jpg080427@144449.jpg1266 views05/28/12 at 13:23Guest_mymnsmumups: 114172432
070327b_myles.jpgJarin, Myles, Mary439 viewsJarin sleeping between Myles and Mary05/28/12 at 13:22Guest_mymnsmumups: 114172432
070308c_warmer.jpgJarin Warmer720 viewsJarin on the warmer, after I cut his cord05/28/12 at 13:22Guest_mymnsmumups: 114172432
070414@094632.jpgJarin chilling with dad625 viewsJarin hanging out with his old man, look how small he is now!05/28/12 at 13:22Guest_UnokTobseks: 114172432
080427@144325.jpgJarin in Cubs' jersey and attempted smile451 viewsShot of Jarin sporting his Cubbie pride and a smirk on his face.05/28/12 at 13:21Guest_mymnsmumups: 114172432
070417@164928.jpgJarin and aunt Heather435 viewsMy sister Heather with Jarin05/28/12 at 13:21Guest_Fawsdypedyday: 114172432
060831ultrasoundmap.jpgLittle X Ultrasound Map422 viewsThe camera ultrasound mapped out:
3)body (umbilical cord shown)
4)foot05/28/12 at 13:20Guest_mymnsmumups: 114172432
080427@144451.jpg080427@144451.jpg8954 views05/28/12 at 13:20Guest_Sapeffenuam: 114172432
070308b_born.JPGJarin Born!919 viewsFirst "acceptably shown public" picture of Jarin after he was born.05/28/12 at 13:20Guest_KekArrefetype: 114172432
070424@131534.jpgDirty diaper409 viewsJarin preparing to be changed05/28/12 at 13:20Guest_mymnsmumups: 114172432
070415@150600.jpgJarin drinking459 viewsJarin hitting the bottle05/28/12 at 13:18Guest_mymnsmumups: 114172432
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