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070425@234902.jpgGrandpa K visit999 viewsGrandpa K takes time out fixing the house to hold his grandson10/01/12 at 06:21Guest_cialis: order cialis cheap cialis buy cialis online cialis...

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061010d_stare.jpgLittle X Stare515 viewsTop shot of little X looking down on the skull.10/01/12 at 06:20Guest_cialis: price cialis cost cialis buy cialis online generic...

080427@144336.jpgJarin sitting on block in Cubs' jersey (9th)469 viewsNinth shot of Jarin on top of the number block in his Cubbie blue.10/01/12 at 06:18Guest_cialis: price cialis cost cialis purchase cialis buy ciali...

070308f_bath.jpgJarin's first bath476 viewsDifferent angle of Jarin's first bath10/01/12 at 06:18Guest_cialis: cost cialis order cialis cialis online generic cia...

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