Last comments - Jarin |

070310e_cry.jpgCrying Jarin523 viewsJarin crying in his Grr shirt10/01/12 at 06:55Guest_cialis: order cialis cheap cialis buy cialis buy cialis on...

070425@234902.jpgGrandpa K visit999 viewsGrandpa K takes time out fixing the house to hold his grandson10/01/12 at 06:54Guest_cialis: cost cialis cheap cialis generic cialis buy cialis...

070414@094656.jpgJarin and dad chilling close up771 views(close up) Jarin chilling with dad10/01/12 at 06:54Guest_cialis: cheap cialis price cialis purchase cialis cialis o...

070415@150626.jpgStill going614 viewsNothing out-eats the Jarin, he keeps eating, and eating...10/01/12 at 06:54Guest_cialis: price cialis order cialis cialis online purchase c...

080427@144324.jpgJarin in Cubs' jersey (7th)487 viewsSeventh shot of Jarin sporting his Cubbie pride.10/01/12 at 06:54Guest_cialis: order cialis cost cialis generic cialis buy cialis...

070420@202842.jpgJarin wide mouth sleeper397 viewsAll that smile eluding the camera wore Jarin out10/01/12 at 06:54Guest_cialis: order cialis price cialis buy cialis online buy ci...

080427@144322.jpgJarin closeup in Cubs' jersey (2nd)1067 viewsSecond closeup of Jarin in his Cubs' jersey.10/01/12 at 06:54Guest_cialis: cheap cialis cheap cialis purchase cialis buy cial...

061010f_thumb.jpgLittle X Thumb494 viewsLittle X sucking on the thumb.10/01/12 at 06:53Guest_cialis: price cialis cheap cialis buy cialis online buy ci...

070404@190226.jpgMair and Jarin4755 viewsMair, my Qwest friend, holding Jarin during my work visit10/01/12 at 06:52Guest_cialis: cheap cialis order cialis cialis online buy cialis...

070410@041432.jpgJarin and mom sleeping yet more605 viewsYet another mom passed out with Jarin shot10/01/12 at 06:52Guest_cialis: order cialis price cialis buy cialis buy cialis ci...

070502@131046.jpgSlighty awoken from nap411 viewsJarin taking a quick 20 some second break from sleeping10/01/12 at 06:52Guest_cialis: cheap cialis cheap cialis generic cialis cialis on...

070425@234902.jpgGrandpa K visit999 viewsGrandpa K takes time out fixing the house to hold his grandson10/01/12 at 06:51Guest_cialis: cost cialis cheap cialis purchase cialis buy ciali...

070308b_born.JPGJarin Born!919 viewsFirst "acceptably shown public" picture of Jarin after he was born.10/01/12 at 06:50Guest_cialis: price cialis price cialis buy cialis generic ciali...

070408@154722.jpgJarin634 viewsIt's Jarin!10/01/12 at 06:50Guest_cialis: cheap cialis price cialis buy cialis cialis online...

070401a_bouncer.jpgSleeping in bouncer1333 viewsFavorite pastime in action10/01/12 at 06:49Guest_cialis: cost cialis cost cialis generic cialis buy cialis ...

070324b_bouncer.jpgJarin and bouncer1898 viewsJarin in his bouncer10/01/12 at 06:49Guest_cialis: price cialis order cialis purchase cialis buy cial...

060831ultrasound_bw.jpgLittle X B&W Ultrasound469 viewsHere is the ultrasound printout from the doctor.10/01/12 at 06:48Guest_cialis: price cialis price cialis buy cialis buy cialis ac...

070415@150114.jpgJarin and great grandma Huetter671 viewsJarin (apparently not happy about something) with great grandma H10/01/12 at 06:48Guest_cialis: price cialis price cialis purchase cialis generic ...

080427@144323.jpgJarin closeup in Cubs' jersey (3rd)471 viewsThird closeup of Jarin in his Cubs' jersey.10/01/12 at 06:45Guest_cialis: cost cialis cost cialis buy cialis generic cialis ...

070426@155930.jpgAnother Jarin mug shot406 viewsAnother Jarin mug shot10/01/12 at 06:45Guest_cialis: cost cialis cheap cialis cialis online cialis onli...
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