Last comments - Jarin |

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060831ultrasound.jpgLittle X Phone Ultrasound1067 viewsHere is an ultrasound of our baby, taken with my camera phone.10/01/12 at 07:02Guest_cialis: cost cialis order cialis buy cialis online buy cia...

070414@094632.jpgJarin chilling with dad625 viewsJarin hanging out with his old man, look how small he is now!10/01/12 at 07:02Guest_cialis: order cialis order cialis buy cialis purchase cial...

070414@094632.jpgJarin chilling with dad625 viewsJarin hanging out with his old man, look how small he is now!10/01/12 at 07:02Guest_cialis: price cialis cheap cialis buy cialis online generi...

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070310g_grr.jpgJarin in Grr1603 viewsJarin no longer crying, in his Grr shirt10/01/12 at 07:00Guest_cialis: price cialis order cialis buy cialis generic ciali...

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070318f_granddad.jpgMore Jarin and Grandpa K699 viewsAnother shot of my dad holding his grandson10/01/12 at 06:59Guest_cialis: cheap cialis cheap cialis cialis online generic ci...

070415@150600.jpgJarin drinking459 viewsJarin hitting the bottle10/01/12 at 06:57Guest_cialis: cost cialis price cialis buy cialis buy cialis cia...

080427@144336.jpgJarin sitting on block in Cubs' jersey (9th)469 viewsNinth shot of Jarin on top of the number block in his Cubbie blue.10/01/12 at 06:57Guest_cialis: order cialis price cialis buy cialis buy cialis on...

080427@144325.jpgJarin in Cubs' jersey and attempted smile451 viewsShot of Jarin sporting his Cubbie pride and a smirk on his face.10/01/12 at 06:56Guest_cialis: price cialis cost cialis purchase cialis generic c...

080427@144330.jpgJarin next to block in Cubs' jersey (4th)5525 viewsFourth shot of Jarin in his Cub jersey next to a number block. 10/01/12 at 06:56Guest_cialis: price cialis order cialis purchase cialis generic ...

070420@173920.jpgJarin Nixon432 viewsJarin doing his Nixon impersonation, "I'm not a crook"10/01/12 at 06:56Guest_cialis: price cialis order cialis purchase cialis buy cial...

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061010e_foot.jpgLittle X Feet539 viewsShot of little X's foot.10/01/12 at 06:55Guest_cialis: order cialis cost cialis cialis online buy cialis ...
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