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070308c_warmer.jpgJarin Warmer720 viewsJarin on the warmer, after I cut his cord05/04/12 at 06:01Guest_OredgeBer: metodo cytotec Dc cytotec pastillas 8o venta c...
080427@144323.jpgJarin closeup in Cubs' jersey (3rd)471 viewsThird closeup of Jarin in his Cubs' jersey.05/04/12 at 06:01Guest_keypeMone: como utilizar cytotec iE cytotec pastillas eN ...
070427@124722.jpgBundled Software398 viewsBundled, rocking, and sleeping in the swing05/04/12 at 06:00Guest_keypeMone: pastilla cytotec Jf tomar cytotec Uc venta cyt...
070310a_jarin-jen.jpgJen holding Jarin1938 viewsJen stealing my Floyd shirt while holding Jarin05/04/12 at 06:00Guest_Anneninteft: pastilla cytotec eN ayuda cytotec 7d venta cyt...
070308d_family.jpgJarin, Mom, and Dadd!550 viewsJarin, mom, and dad05/04/12 at 05:59Guest_Anneninteft: cytotec donde conseguirla xQ misoprostol comprar...
070414@094656.jpgJarin and dad chilling close up771 views(close up) Jarin chilling with dad05/04/12 at 05:58Guest_Anneninteft: cytotec venta santander Uc misoprostol comprar f...
061010b_profile.jpgLittle X Profile(b)347 viewsAnother profile shot of little X.05/04/12 at 05:58Guest_kakygardy: como utilizar cytotec eq tomar cytotec z4 miso...
070312b_home.jpgJarin home358 viewsAnother picture of Jarin after getting home05/04/12 at 05:57Guest_keypeMone: costo cytotec 7u cytotec cuanto cuesta vt cyto...
070408@163126.jpgJarin unhappy in car seat411 viewsJarin apparently not happy while in his car seat05/04/12 at 05:57Guest_Laurnathinatt: como tomar cytotec misoprostol RK venta cytotec ...
070408@163126.jpgJarin unhappy in car seat411 viewsJarin apparently not happy while in his car seat05/04/12 at 05:57Guest_keypeMone: costo cytotec Dc cytotec precio argentina RK m...
070310e_cry.jpgCrying Jarin523 viewsJarin crying in his Grr shirt05/04/12 at 05:56Guest_keypeMone: metodo cytotec IA precio cytotec colombia In v...
080427@144353.jpgJarin in Cubs' jersey against black background (238 views05/04/12 at 05:56Guest_OredgeBer: cytotec donde conseguirla Dc donde comprar cytot...
070408@134300.jpgJarin and Norma409 viewsHere is Jarin with his aunt Normal (Jen's side)05/04/12 at 05:55Guest_keypeMone: costo cytotec Uc donde comprar cytotec 2D cyto...
070408@151802.jpgJarin family picture close up499 views (close up) Grandpa, grandma (Jen's side), Jarin, dad, and mom05/04/12 at 05:55Guest_IcoppyZopaymn: costo cytotec iE venta cytotec barcelona 2D cy...
070420@202842.jpgJarin wide mouth sleeper397 viewsAll that smile eluding the camera wore Jarin out05/04/12 at 05:54Guest_keypeMone: medicina cytotec gr misoprostol comprar farmacia...
070408@150324.jpgArm crossed couch621 viewsJarin sleeping on the couch with pacifier in mouth and arms on chest05/04/12 at 05:54Guest_keypeMone: metodo cytotec yc cytotec precio argentina yc ...
070429@170426.jpgJarin, Myles, and X-Files413 viewsMyles keeping Jarin pacified so we can hear X-Files05/04/12 at 05:54Guest_keypeMone: las pastillas cytotec zi donde comprar misoprost...
070322c_pledge.jpgPledge of allegiance476 viewsJarin does his pledge of allegiance while sleeping05/04/12 at 05:54Guest_keypeMone: cytotec wikipedia jl cytotec farmacias guadalaja...
070308a_jen.jpgHappy Jen3958 viewsJen extremely happy after her epidural, yes, they really work!05/04/12 at 05:53Guest_CaultBugamala: donde comprar cytotec en bogota 49 comprar misop...
070420@154310.jpgJarin butt321 viewsJarin's feet curled under his butt05/04/12 at 05:52Guest_keypeMone: cytotec precio en colombia 49 misoprostol precio...
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