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070408@160626.jpgJarin in car seat4543 viewsJarin bundled in his blanket in his car seat05/04/12 at 06:13Guest_CaultBugamala: cytotec precio en colombia Dc cytotec farmacias ...
070408@160626.jpgJarin in car seat4543 viewsJarin bundled in his blanket in his car seat05/04/12 at 06:13Guest_Laurnathinatt: cytotec presentacion yc como aplicar cytotec 2...
070308d_family.jpgJarin, Mom, and Dadd!550 viewsJarin, mom, and dad05/04/12 at 06:13Guest_keypeMone: como aplicar cytotec 49 donde comprar misoprosto...
080427@144449.jpg080427@144449.jpg1266 views05/04/12 at 06:13Guest_keypeMone: cytotec venta Wd cytotec venta tijuana gr vent...
070416@210142.jpgJarin and grandma P closeup359 viewsJarin and grandma chilling some more05/04/12 at 06:12Guest_keypeMone: cytotec donde conseguirla Jf cytotec venta tijua...
070415@122530.jpgJarin, grandma, uncle Jess402 viewsTrip to Texas to see my mom05/04/12 at 06:12Guest_keypeMone: cytotec venta madrid yo cytotec venta en colombi...
070310a_jarin-jen.jpgJen holding Jarin1938 viewsJen stealing my Floyd shirt while holding Jarin05/04/12 at 06:12Guest_keypeMone: cytotec donde conseguirla vJ tomar cytotec 2D ...
070310a_jarin-jen.jpgJen holding Jarin1938 viewsJen stealing my Floyd shirt while holding Jarin05/04/12 at 06:12Guest_keypeMone: metodo cytotec jl ayuda cytotec Uc comprar mis...
070416@092956.jpgJarin's Texan bath backside264 viewsGot to keep that butt clean, it's filled with adult gas!05/04/12 at 06:12Guest_Garmadavold: como aplicar cytotec z4 venta cytotec barcelona ...
080427@144353.jpgJarin in Cubs' jersey against black background (238 views05/04/12 at 06:12Guest_IcoppyZopaymn: metodo cytotec vJ comprar misoprostol en mexico ...
070327b_myles.jpgJarin, Myles, Mary439 viewsJarin sleeping between Myles and Mary05/04/12 at 06:12Guest_keypeMone: cytotec precio en espana RK cytotec venta tijuan...
070414@094632.jpgJarin chilling with dad625 viewsJarin hanging out with his old man, look how small he is now!05/04/12 at 06:12Guest_Laurnathinatt: donde comprar cytotec en bogota vJ cytotec preci...
070308c_warmer.jpgJarin Warmer720 viewsJarin on the warmer, after I cut his cord05/04/12 at 06:11Guest_keypeMone: donde comprar cytotec en bogota r6 pastillas abo...
080427@144325.jpgJarin in Cubs' jersey and attempted smile451 viewsShot of Jarin sporting his Cubbie pride and a smirk on his face.05/04/12 at 06:11Guest_keypeMone: donde comprar cytotec en bogota vt cuanto cuesta...
070417@164928.jpgJarin and aunt Heather435 viewsMy sister Heather with Jarin05/04/12 at 06:11Guest_Anneninteft: pastilla cytotec jl ayuda cytotec zi misoprost...
060831ultrasoundmap.jpgLittle X Ultrasound Map422 viewsThe camera ultrasound mapped out:
3)body (umbilical cord shown)
4)foot05/04/12 at 06:11Guest_keypeMone: donde comprar cytotec en bogota r6 ayuda cytotec...
080427@144451.jpg080427@144451.jpg8954 views05/04/12 at 06:11Guest_OredgeBer: como aplicar cytotec yo cytotec venta tijuana ...
070308b_born.JPGJarin Born!919 viewsFirst "acceptably shown public" picture of Jarin after he was born.05/04/12 at 06:11Guest_IcoppyZopaymn: cytotec venta santander RK misoprostol comprar p...
070424@131534.jpgDirty diaper409 viewsJarin preparing to be changed05/04/12 at 06:11Guest_keypeMone: medicina cytotec vJ comprar misoprostol en mexic...
070408@150402.jpgJarin under blanket412 viewsLooks like he did not move much in 38 seconds :)05/04/12 at 06:10Guest_kakygardy: cytotec venta 49 donde comprar misoprostol espan...
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