Page 1 of 1 - shoutcast coming

PostPosted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 19:49:12
by madd74
Thank you for your interest in my Shoutcast. It is new and still under works (as is the official page), so please bare with and check back soon if you are interested in becoming a part of Madd's World. You can subscribe to Feed - News for updates, or click on the Twitter button on the toolbar on the bottom of the page (assuming you are allowing javascript).

You can reach the station through Windows Media Player, or winamp, by "open URL" and typing in (clicking this on a web browser will open up a link that will show you what is playing, number of listeners, and song history).

Or, you can find it on shoutcast:

I will have:
  • complete list of song
  • song request
  • contests
  • anything else cool I can think of :mrgreen: