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My photograph

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 21:57:32
by Mair
For some reason, this old brain was having trouble getting my photo small enough to fit on here, so I'm going to send the photo for you to do because, as usual, it was making my head hurt. And, I just have no reason to have a hurting head these days now that I'm no longer a slave and a number to Qwest. (Actually, I'm still a number, but it's a happy number under the category "Customers Lost". Mwahaha).

Anyway, how do I get this photograph to you, Madd?

Re: My photograph

PostPosted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 13:40:03
by madd74
Best way would be to send it via email at my madd74 AT address. Of course, you would attach it here as a file. Next to the options tab on the bottom, there is UPLOAD ATTACHMENT. Whatever works best for you.

Re: My photograph

PostPosted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 14:44:11
by Mair