reeces shoes and garbage bags

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reeces shoes and garbage bags

Postby cmplxty7 » Thu Feb 05, 2009 20:57:15

Dear - I am not sure if you quit texting me because you were irritated with me, or if I should not assume because maybe you just got busy. I was not angry with you earlier - I am just very confused as to how something so necessary and obvious is getting missed repeatedly. I get it if his shoes are in his room, but when they are right next to yours I do not understand how they aren't at least getting taken along, if not put on him. Anyways, sometimes when I ask a question I just want an answer, not persistent dodging. I just wanted you to know I was not and am not upset, and if I upset you I did not mean to.

All that aside, while I was at the store getting garbage bags (which I remembered on my own and paid for in cash) I walked by some candy and decided to buy you some reeces (reeses?) peanut butter cups (they haven't been recalled!) because I love you and wanted to do something nice for you. Now you have something to look forward to when you come home :)
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Re: reeces shoes and garbage bags

Postby madd74 » Thu Feb 05, 2009 22:47:54

Thanks for the grub I do appreciate it. I shall address your other concerns... elsewhere :)
I will have something here... at some point...
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