your dog

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your dog

Postby madd74 » Mon Jan 07, 2008 15:29:37

I left home without my phone today. We are busier than shit, so contact with me might be difficult. I am going to take my lunch, at 19:30, to return home quick to get my phone. I am also going to eat that pizza slice of mine. If there is something else you might be able to quickly prepare for me, I would be very thankful. Please, have the family room mess made picked up. My day is okay thus far. I was a little late to work to find out I only had one hour of OT and I figured this out about 14:20 so I already had worked most of it. Oh well, more money for me. Speaking of which, while it will be too late now, I will remind you through the week to get your on-line banking setup. Also, you might want to authorize me on your wireless (something you could do) as well as anything else on where I would be paying bills on, so that I can take over all the financial. You will no longer have to worry again about any of you bills... even if you piss me off and I kick you out, I promise you, I will take care of your bills for you :D

I am slightly sad in my testing to find out that great chat does not embed well in the footer of my forums. When you go from one forum to another, you know how the current chat "follows" you? Well, if you do that with the embedded chat, it appears to "forget" who you are, so it logs you out, then logs you back, so it is not going to work, and that makes me a little sad, as I would have liked it in place of the current one. Oh well, I will get around it some how.

I hope your day is well. I hope you suck my dick some time this year. I hope I play with your cooter this year also. I also wish you a Merry Christmas for 2009. Love you, strange human.
I will have something here... at some point...
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Re: your dog

Postby cmplxty7 » Mon Jan 07, 2008 16:42:27

I will have something ready for you to go along with your pizza slice. And yes, I will also get the family room cleaned up :)

My day pretty much sucked. I am doing my resume tonight and just might send it out to a couple places to see what happens. I am about the very last person to jump on that bandwagon, minus the pregos who have no choice for insurance reasons. I hesitated and delayed and hoped things would change and get better in the wake of the mass exodus of people...but instead of realizing changes need to be made, they continue to be the same & they just hire more people to replace. Pretty mch everything that I liked about the company that I was told in my interview has changed or been taken away since the buyout. Someone put it a good way today - as a whole, it is a collections agency, and no matter how well they dress it up and try to make it look pretty, it will always be a collections agency. I honestly think it was a huge mistake for Omnium to sell to West. So, long story short, I am now looking - not hardcore, but finding out what options I have.

I am sorry the chat does not work like you wanted it to. You will find something.

Sure I will suck your dick some time this year - how does your birthday sound? :-P You can play with my cooter *almost anytime* you want.
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Re: your dog

Postby cmplxty7 » Mon Jan 07, 2008 18:00:58

did our son not poop for you today? Because he just pooped for me and it STINKS! What happened? Did his schedule change? I have been getting poop quite a bit lately compared to how little I ever got it! WHAT DID I DO?!?!
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Re: your dog

Postby madd74 » Mon Jan 07, 2008 23:56:30

cmplxty7 wrote:did our son not poop for you today? Because he just pooped for me and it STINKS! What happened? Did his schedule change? I have been getting poop quite a bit lately compared to how little I ever got it! WHAT DID I DO?!?!
Great, excellent, he is listening to me mentally now, this is wonderful.

cmplxty7 wrote:I will have something ready for you to go along with your pizza slice. And yes, I will also get the family room cleaned up :)

My day pretty much sucked. I am doing my resume tonight and just might send it out to a couple places to see what happens. I am about the very last person to jump on that bandwagon, minus the pregos who have no choice for insurance reasons. I hesitated and delayed and hoped things would change and get better in the wake of the mass exodus of people...but instead of realizing changes need to be made, they continue to be the same & they just hire more people to replace. Pretty mch everything that I liked about the company that I was told in my interview has changed or been taken away since the buyout. Someone put it a good way today - as a whole, it is a collections agency, and no matter how well they dress it up and try to make it look pretty, it will always be a collections agency. I honestly think it was a huge mistake for Omnium to sell to West. So, long story short, I am now looking - not hardcore, but finding out what options I have.

I am sorry the chat does not work like you wanted it to. You will find something.

Sure I will suck your dick some time this year - how does your birthday sound? :-P You can play with my cooter *almost anytime* you want.
My birthday? Yeah, sounds typical... too bad it is your day that sucked, and not you. Maybe that is...

I will have something here... at some point...
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Re: your dog

Postby cmplxty7 » Tue Jan 08, 2008 17:22:52

List of questions:

1) Who is M.A. Spicer?

2) Um, were you planning on cooking mac & cheese? Change your mind? Run out of time? Any other reason a pot of water is on the stove and a box of mac & cheese is next to it?

3) Does the computer in our room have Word on it? Should I just download Open Office onto my laptop?

4) Did Jarin poop for you today? If so, did you put the diaper in a plastic bag? Why does it smell so badly like Jarin poop when I walk in the door?

5) Is the new House supposed to be next week? Did you know they are showing the pilot tonight? Did we ever buy season 3?

6) Are you really ok with my job hunting? It's not going to be a pain for you if I start over somewhere and have to wait for vacation, etc. again?

7) Why don't you love me? If you say you do, why don't you marry me?

I would appreciate a full response, preferably in list form, answers in the same order of questions, sooner rather than later. Thank you. :biggrin:

hope your day is going well - I love you!!!
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Re: your dog

Postby madd74 » Tue Jan 08, 2008 20:18:52

  1. already answered
  2. i was and ran out of time
  3. no, you could use, or even
  4. no he did not poop today, most likely your breath or clit
  5. pilot? you mean the actual original one? House List on wiki
  6. aye, unlike you, I care about you and that would over turn any feelings I would have about you starting over (haha, I kill me)
  7. I do, see previous, and I love Jarin but I do not plan on marrying him
I will have something here... at some point...
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