Update 060724

This forum is dedicated for my expecting child. This forum is incorperated into the little one's website, http://madd74.com/littlex. Feel free to ask questions or leave comments!

Moderator: cmplxty7

Update 060724

Postby madd74 » Mon Jul 31, 2006 19:00:16

Jen is now starting week 9! Information from her ultrasound shows that she has a retroverted uterus. There is no cause for alarm with little X. The biggest problem is going to be that Jen is going to experience possible unwanted pain in her back area (which means that I will most likely experience more pain, hehe :). Also, excuse the mess here, as an extremely taxing work week with massive OT scheduling is making it difficult for me to "pretty" up the site as I would like. At some point, that will change!
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Postby ditzwill » Thu Aug 10, 2006 1:06:36

Holy mackrel, dude! Q already has fingerprints!!
Everyone should be a non-conformist.
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