Global - Great way to help the board...

This is the gathering place for all my friends from the Animal Cross Wild World realm (DS). Please keep in mind that currently I have lost my game {sigh}.
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ACWW for DS is lost! If I ever get it as a gift or what have you, I shall post about it, thank you.

Global - Great way to help the board...

Postby madd74 » Wed Nov 14, 2007 18:13:40

dITZ has given me an excellent idea that I had not thought about. She wanted to make a reply in a topic that went off topic. She did so, and gave it a new subject. Besides doing that, she reported her post as off topic (so it comes up all crazy like to any forum moderators, making it easy to spot). I admit, the sunject change is a lot easier than actually copying, going to another forum, and starting a new thread in that forum. I think it is an excellent comprimise, and ask that if you want to go off topic, or do, even in the Totally Random thread, please change the subject so any forum moderators can split and move your topic with ease. Thank you all for your support!
I will have something here... at some point...
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