Go go gadget oil farm plantation!

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Go go gadget oil farm plantation!

Postby madd74 » Tue Nov 20, 2007 17:01:02

Civilization IV. When I first got this game, thanks to Jen, I played it a little here and there, doing my usual OCD-ish game a day thing. Well, at some point, I believe about a little over a week ago, I ended up *really* getting into it, and I must say, wow, this game is Civ III and then some.

I played the heck out of Civ III, even though I know there are a few things I most likely still miss to this day. Civ III found a lot of changes from II, most notably a lot of units that were removed. In II, you had trade units that could make trade routes. In II, they were removed.

I think one of the bigger changes was the use of religion in the game. In every Civ game before, you could build a temple and the like, but it was a generic building that simply made unhappy people content. Now, a civilization who first discovers the corresponding technology associated with that religion, is considered to be the founder of the religion. That civ then ends up having a
I will have something here... at some point...
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